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Glide Compatibility Tool
Verify if your selection of prosthetic devices for your patient will work with Glide and obtain ordering part numbers.
Select your devices below in any order. Once chosen. more details about your combination will be gathered below. If your patient does not need an elbow or wrist. select "No Elbow" / "No Wrist Rotator"
Terminal Device
Note: Make sure to scroll through the dropdown to view all available devices. Menus update based on selections made to only display compatible combinations.
To update a singular preselected option, select "Change" or to clear all options select the "Reset All" option below.
Your Glide Part Number for Order is:
This is not an order number or confirmation of purchase. Please contact and provide your part number to start the order process.
Ordering Notes:(If applicable)
Ordering Notes:(If applicable)
Terminal Device
Ordering Notes:(If applicable)
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